Specification of what the Nominee Director services are
An agreement must be signed before the appointment of the nominee director which should outline every duty of the nominee director. We work closely with our clients to understand their circumstances, allowing us to draft clear agreements that meet their requirements. This means our clients have control over the degree to which their nominee director will be involved with their business’ activities.
A significant cause of concern for many people is whether the nominee director can access the company’s bank account. The company bank account is only accessible by those whose names are authorised by the bank.
We will not be able to participate in company business without written instructions from you (the beneficial owner) through general power of attorney.
Depending on your requirements of the nominee director, the scope of work will vary. Here are some examples of the type of responsibilities our nominee directors can undertake:
- - Signature of documents necessary for the normal development of the company's activities.
- - Signing of documents related to ANVISA and other official entities
- - Signing on tax Forms
- - Bank Account signatory
- - Other activities specifically authorized by the person who provided powers of representation
In case of a director nominee, the director from the company that elect this director can remain confidential in Brazil.
Contact Our Team
We advise our customers to obtain digital certificates and use a temporary tax address. All processes are coordinated in partnership with the clients law firms. We speak Portuguese, English, Spanish and German.