Brazilian Company Registry
Our team of professionals consists of business administrators, lawyers and executives with experience in large and medium-sized companies. We do not only offer business start-up services in Brazil, we offer our experience to serve the success of your business in Brazil.
Our commitment to your company's success begins with the proper understanding of your business objectives, so that we can guide you on the best paths to follow. We know that, in the end, it is the success of your enterprise that will make our customers satisfied and recommend our services.
Brazilian Company Registry involves these activities:
- Preparation of the articles of incorporation and its filling before the Board of Trade of the State or the Titles and Documents Registry;
- Registration before the National Corporate File – CNPJ in the Secretary of Finances;
- Registration of the State Enrollment (IE) before the State Secretary of Finances;
- Registration before the Social Security Taxpayers File – CCM at the City-Hall;
- Registration with the National Social Security Institute – INSS;
- Enrollment in the CEF-FGTS program;
- Enrollment with the employers Syndicate;
- Purchase of E-CNPJ (Digital Certificate);
- The RDE-IED accreditation (for investments in Brazil) with the Central Bank of Brazil;
- Rent of a provisory / temporary commercial address to the Company instalation- Creation and registration of the company's social contract in the Commercial Registry Department of São Paulo State;
- Opening a bank account at 1 bank.
Our team reports to the client on the progress of the company's opening process and prepares, together with the client, the next steps.
Contact Our Team
We advise our clients on all aspects involved to open a company in Brazil, including a temporary fiscal address. All processes are coordinated in ollaboration with the client or the client's team. We speak Portuguese, English, Spanish and German.
Other Services Provided
Accounting Services
We offer accounting services in accordance with Brazilian accounting rules, just as we do accounting reports in a foreign language. We have accounting professionals who speak Portuguese, English, Spanish and Mandarin.
Government Health Surveillance
(especially to companies who want to work with medical and health area)
Services to support the company to obtain Government Health Surveillance Authorization to open the company:
- » Specification of all requirements to approval the company by Health Surveillance;
- » Monitoring the implementation of all modifications to the facilities required by the health surveillance agency;
- » Face-to-face monitoring (if possible) of technical analysis by health surveillance inspectors in the company.
Register at SISCOMEX (Integrated Foreign Trade System):
Once the company is constituted and legalized, it will be possible to apply for authorization to use the Integrated Foreign Trade System (Siscomex), also known as RADAR. This qualification is essential for individuals and companies that intend to carry out foreign trade operations.
Our Clients Profile
Our clients are companies that are starting their activities (with small operations) or existing companies that want to change their legal representative.
We are legal representatives of small companies, as well as companies or groups of large companies with shares on the stock exchange. We have highly prepared professionals who can, if necessary, formulate performance reports of the Brazilian company, as well as present the report at corporate meetings anywhere in the world.
Our Main Differentials
Our Company differentials are based in an expert experienced team of professionals, specially:
- » Our company is composed only of high level professionals and all our services are highly personalized and aligned with our clients' business objectives;
- » Our Legal Representatives are lawyers who are experienced and come from the executive positions of large corporate groups, who easily understand the challenges and needs of our clients;
- » Our accounting professionals communicate in Mandarin and the accounting firm has several Asian clients;
- » We communicate in Portuguese, English, Spanish and German which is a facility for multinational company groups.
Contact our company registration team in Brazil!
We advise our clients on all aspects involved to open a company in Brazil, including a temporary fiscal address. All processes are coordinated in ollaboration with the client or the client's team. We speak Portuguese, English, Spanish and German.